Sociedad Mont Pelerin. Artículos, discursos e intervenciones de miembros y participantes en Reuniones de la Sociedad
- Ibáñez Ojeda, Pedro, 1913-1999
Universidad Adolfo IbáñezPaís
- Viña del Mar, Chile
Fecha de publicación
1972: Trade Unions and Economic Democracy de Malcolm Fisher. The Ideological Content of Historical Controversy (The marxist and the industrial revolution) de R.M. Hartwell.1975: The Role& Value , John Exter.1978: Monetary Problems and Policies, John Exter, Hong Kong.Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates: A Century of Experience in the Far East, John Greenwood, Hong Kong.Is the Tide Turning? Australia, M.L. Newman.1979: The Case for Desnationalization in Britain, S.C. Littlechild, trabajo preparado para la Reunión General de la Sociedad en Stanford, 1980.The Road to Serfdom Revisited, Ralph Horwitz, España.1980: The Mexican Migration to the United States of America, Luis Horacio Durán.Another Italian Economic Miracle?, Antonio Martino. Why is the Performance of the Japanese Economy so Much better?, Yoshio Suzuki.The Chilean Economic Experiment, Rolf J., Lüders.The Underground Economy, Max Turn.Desnationalization and Desregulation of Industry:The French Experience 1976-1980, Jean-Jacques Rosa.Do Conservative Governments Make a Diference or Will Success Spoil the Neo-Eclectic Mugwump Movement- a Canadian Perspective, Michael A.Walker.The Limits of Taxation. Lessons from the Swedish Welfare State, Sven Rydenfelt.Mrs. Thatcher´s Monetary Policy, Michael Parkin.Limits of Taxation. A Case Study with Reference to Switzerland, Martin JanssenHow can Governments be Restricted?, K.R.MinogueChile´s Political Crisis. Perhaps nos a unique case study, Pedro Ibáñez1981: A Case For Desocialisation of Education in South Africa, Eustace G. DavieMPS Regional Meeting in Chile, 15-19 November, 1981, Eric Brodin.Monetary System for Free Society, Milton Friedman, ChileCan China Square The Circle?, Rose Friedman, artículo para la Reunión en Chile1982: Monetary Reform in an Uncertain Enviroment, Allan B. Metlzer (con observaciones manuscritas de Pedro Ibáñez).Can Democratic Society Reform Itself in a Non-Revolutionary Way? Comments to the Papers by James Bennet and Colin D. Campbell, Hans G. Monissen.The European Community: Friend or Foeof the Market Economy. Comment on the Papers by Victoria Curzon Price and Milton Friedman, Pascal Salin, y otros artículos sin fecha.