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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 111
“Modeling of Plant Responses to the Environment Through Gene Regulatory Networks Inference”
(2018-02)The huge data sets in biology, mainly due to the exponential development of high-throughput technologies and the growing computational power, represent a big challenge, usually not related with the acquisition of the ... -
Essays on Empirical Corporate Finance
(2018-08)This paper examines how the intensity of the Mandatory Financial Disclosure Regulation at the country-industry level can affect the precautionary cash policy of private firms. Cash holding provides a downside protection ... -
Aprendizaje normativo sistémico. Una reformulación de la teoría funcional de la moral de Niklas Luhmann
(2019)La presente investigación pretende interrogar la teoría de la moral que Niklas Luhmann desarrolló tomando como punto de partida las corrientes contemporáneas de la sociología de la moral. Mientras la sociología contemporánea ... -
Corporate dividend policy: Dividend smoothing. Evidence for dividend signaling and reputation
(2019)En 1961 Miller y Modigliani demostraron que la política de dividendos es irrelevante para el valor de una firma, cuando los mercados son perfectos y la política de inversión se mantiene constante. Sin embargo, los mercados ... -
Essays in financial accounting disclosure
(2019)This paper proposes that the readability of financial reports can act as a signaling device used by firms that report their performance truthfully to distinguish themselves from those that have manipulated earnings. The ... -
"¿Spinoza con(tra) Schmitt? Hacia una teología política democrática en Spinoza"
(2020)La teología política como concepto tiene la particularidad de que se ocupa de muchas de las dimensiones en debate actualmente en el pensamiento político. Desde su formulación seminal por Carl Schmitt es un campo teórico ... -
Integrando responsabilidad : Procesos de constitucionalización en la esfera empresarial chilena.
(2020)En la presente investigación examino el fenómeno de la constitucionalización de la empresa en el contexto chileno. En particular, indago en la forma en que las empresas corporativas complejizan sus estructuras de gobierno ... -
Applications of integer Programming and decomposition to Scheduling Problems: the Strategic Mine Planning Problem and the Bin Packing Problem with Time Lag
(2020)In scheduling problems, the goal is to assign time slots to a set of activities. In these problems, there are typically precedence constraints between activities that dictate the order in which they can be carried out and ... -
A Further Understanding of the Effects of Materialism at Work: Longitudinal and Meta-analytical Evidence
(2020)This thesis explores unanswered issues regarding the established negative consequences of pursuing extrinsic or materialistic goals (e.g., wealth, image, status) versus intrinsic goals (e.g., relationships, self- development, ... -
Antecedents and consequences of firm altruism and corporate philanthropy
(2020)Tabla de contenido Dedicación Agradecimientos Lista de tablas Lista de figuras Lista de abreviaciones Capítulo 1 Introducción Capítulo 2: empresas de altruismo una revisión sistemática y una agenda de ... -
The Sustainability of Society: Semantics of a Concept
(2020)This manuscript enquires into the emergence, meaning and performance of the semantics of sustainability within contemporary society. More precisely, my purpose is to identify the core conceptual structure of sustainability, ... -
Heuristic heaping in firm decision making : evidence in dividend distribution.
(2021)Cuando existe demasiada información, o tenemos incertidumbre, tomamos atajos mentales en forma inconsciente para llegar a una rápida conclusión. Este proceso mental en psicología se denomina “Heurístico”. Si este proceso ... -
Essays on the effects of Insolvency Regulation.
(2021)Esta tesis consta de tres capítulos que examinan los efectos que tiene la regulación de la insolvencia. El primer capítulo revisa las principales reformas a la regulación de la insolvencia implementadas en los países más ... -
On Vehicle Routing Problem with Service Consistency
(2021-06-23)Esta tesis se enfoca en investigar dos estrategias de ruteo para el problema de logística de última milla para un centro de distribución de una empresa de alimentos. La empresa cuenta con una flota homogénea de vehículos. ... -
Static risk-averse models with applications to mining
(2021-06-23)This thesis is centered around the development of methods and algorithms to solve different types of stochastic optimization problems that deal with risk. The first work in on chance-constrained problems (CCP), and the ... -
Brand social cause activism: the good, the bad and the ugly
(2021-07)Brands increasingly take a stand on controversial social issues. Is it worth the risk to polarize consumers? To investigate this issue, this thesis conducts 2 studies, a five factor between-subject experiment ... -
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium in a Reversible and Conservative Cellular Automaton.
(2021-07-28)The main goal of this thesis, relies the dynamis of a reversible and conservative cellular automaton Q2R model. Q2R is a automaton that runs on a two-dimensional grid of nite size and is reversible in a physical sense, ... -
Dynamics of Automata under different update schedules.
(2021-07-30)In this thesis our main interest is focused specically on the dynamics of cellular automata. Dynamics will be addressed by the invariance of the automaton, and in some cases invariance will be addressed by its reversibility. ... -
Spatial self-organization in Santiago: methods and applications.
(2021-08-02)Assembling spatial units into meaningful clusters is a challenging task, as it must cope with a consequential computational complexity while controlling for the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP), spatial autocorrelation ...